Welcome to NekoCon 2024 - Mewths and Legends!

The schedule is being updated! Please check back closer to con as events are uploaded!

The schedule is subject to change at any time.
Role Playing Games clear filter
Friday, November 1

9:00am EDT

CCC-SFBAY-02-01 Old Enemies Arise
Friday November 1, 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
The alliance between Thay and Mulmaster is stronger than ever, and this does not sit well with some of the neighboring countries; in fact, it appears that one of them is attacking caravans leaving Mulmaster and heading towards Thay.  You have been asked by the Cloaks to investigate the attacks, discover who is behind them, and stop them if you can.  Part 1 of Agents of the Cloaks.

A 4-hour adventure for Tier 2 characters. Optimized for APL 8.

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Friday November 1, 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

9:00am EDT

DC-POA-DOBU-01-01 Beneath a Stony Stump
Friday November 1, 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Beneath a Stony Stump is a puzzle-solving adventure inspired by old-school funhouse dungeons.

Within the Spine of the World is a flat-topped mountain: the Stony Stump. The fortress within is a den of traps and treasure, curses and creatures, puzzles and perils. Many enter to steal its treasures; some return to put them back.

A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3.

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Friday November 1, 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

9:00am EDT

DDEX1-1 Defiance in Phlan
Friday November 1, 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
The Cult of the Dragon has come to Phlan, a lawless refuge on the Moonsea. Now, with no significant authority to stop the cult, other power groups in the Realms – the Harpers, Order of the Gauntlet, Emerald Enclave, Lords’ Alliance, and even the Zhentarim – must unite to stop the cult from fulfilling its dark purpose in the city. Join the fight by participating in any one of five different missions aimed at stopping the cult.

Five 1-Hour Tyranny of Dragons Adventures for 1st-2nd Level Characters. Optimized for APL 1.

Sign up to participate on Warhorn

Friday November 1, 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

9:00am EDT

DDEX1-1 Defiance in Phlan
Friday November 1, 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
The Cult of the Dragon has come to Phlan, a lawless refuge on the Moonsea. Now, with no significant authority to stop the cult, other power groups in the Realms – the Harpers, Order of the Gauntlet, Emerald Enclave, Lords’ Alliance, and even the Zhentarim – must unite to stop the cult from fulfilling its dark purpose in the city. Join the fight by participating in any one of five different missions aimed at stopping the cult.

Five 1-Hour Tyranny of Dragons Adventures for 1st-2nd Level Characters. Optimized for APL 1.

Sign up to participate on Warhorn

Friday November 1, 2024 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

2:00pm EDT

PFS2 Quest (Series 2) #14: The Swordlord’s Challenge
Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
An Aldori swordlord who fought alongside Pathfinders years ago is looking for a way to push her students harder. She issues a challenge to Marcos Farabellus, the Master of Swords, boasting that her most promising young pupils can defeat any Marcos has trained. She stakes her pride as a teacher and a powerful weapon she used during the Fifth Crusade on the outcome. Marcos both believes such a relic, taken to the very heart of the Worldwound, would be an excellent addition to the Society's vaults and that the PCs are the perfect students on which to stake his own pride. The PCs must do their utmost to justify the faith he has placed in them and win a great victory-- and perhaps a new ally-- for the Pathfinder Society.

Sign up to participate on Warhorn

Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

2:00pm EDT

SF2 Playtest Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet
Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
For millennia, Birnam’s Bubble has been a planet untouched by outsiders, fully encapsulated in an impenetrable shield of unknown energy and protected by powerful automated defenses. Through this barrier, explorers and surveyors have glimpsed pristine settlements, verdant flora, and inexplicable magical emanations—yet no fauna or citizens populate the world’s surface.

As in many other parts of the galaxy, the Drift Crisis changed everything. Now, the energy barrier surrounding Birnam’s Bubble cracks like shattering glass, and shards of this solidified energy have begun to fall through the atmosphere to the planet’s surface, causing significant destruction. Enter the breach and uncover the secrets of the lost civilizations of Birnam’s Bubble before they're lost forever!

Welcome to the Starfinder Playtest! You can directly shape the future of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game by participating in a fun and rigorous playtest period using the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook and one of several playtest adventures—including Starfinder Playtest Scenarios! Each Starfinder Playtest Scenario is a short, single-session adventure designed to be played in 2–3 hours and written by a member of the Starfinder Team.

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Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

2:00pm EDT

CCC-CNE-02 Before The Hatch
Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
The Ancient sunken city of Northkeep is filled with wild magic and and unknown dangers. Within this desolate place, a warlock experiments on wildlife to create the ultimate living weapon capable of destroying the entire Moonsea region. In order to save the world, adventurers must stop the experiments from completing.

A 4-hour adventure for Tier 2 characters (optimized for APL 8).

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Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

2:00pm EDT

CCC-GLIP-02-01 Blue Scales
Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
A behir has been hired to destroy the herds of aurochs necessary to feed the hobgoblin city of Glip Dak. Patrols and scouts continue to go missing, forcing the hobgoblins to hire mercenaries to track this behir as they recall their troops to the capital to maintain order as food riots break out.

Tier 2 CCC-GLIP-02-XX adventures can be played in any order.

A Two-Hour Adventure for 5th to 10th Level Characters

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Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

2:00pm EDT

DDEX1-1 Defiance in Phlan
Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
The Cult of the Dragon has come to Phlan, a lawless refuge on the Moonsea. Now, with no significant authority to stop the cult, other power groups in the Realms – the Harpers, Order of the Gauntlet, Emerald Enclave, Lords’ Alliance, and even the Zhentarim – must unite to stop the cult from fulfilling its dark purpose in the city. Join the fight by participating in any one of five different missions aimed at stopping the cult.

Five 1-Hour Tyranny of Dragons Adventures for 1st-2nd Level Characters. Optimized for APL 1.

Sign up to participate on Warhorn

Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

2:00pm EDT

DDEX1-1 Defiance in Phlan
Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
The Cult of the Dragon has come to Phlan, a lawless refuge on the Moonsea. Now, with no significant authority to stop the cult, other power groups in the Realms – the Harpers, Order of the Gauntlet, Emerald Enclave, Lords’ Alliance, and even the Zhentarim – must unite to stop the cult from fulfilling its dark purpose in the city. Join the fight by participating in any one of five different missions aimed at stopping the cult.

Five 1-Hour Tyranny of Dragons Adventures for 1st-2nd Level Characters. Optimized for APL 1.

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Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

2:00pm EDT

PFS2 5-02: The Blackwood Lost
Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
The Pathfinder dig site near the Tskikha iruxi enclave in the Blackwood Swamp was, for some time now, considered one of the safer Azlanti ruins to investigate, to the point that it was used as field training for groups of initiates. Having been cleared out years ago by agents, the site was an archeological treasure trove for learning of the elemental magics of ancient Azlant. Something has gone wrong though. The elemental planes have changed in ways that scholars are, even now, struggling to understand, and the latent power within those ruins has manifested. It's been weeks since anyone has heard from the initiates currently on site or the iruxi allies nearby. The Pathfinders must race against time into the bizarre magics wrought by the elements to rescue the Blackwood lost.

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Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

2:00pm EDT

PFS2 5-10: The Crocodile's Smile
Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
After ensuring that Fasiel ibn Sazadin saw Qadiran justice for his crimes, the Pathfinder Society received a mysterious letter from his benefactor detailing that she now sees the Society as a formidable opponent. After receiving this, Venture-Captain Safa spent quite some time traveling and researching across Qadira and Nex, only to find that the benefactor resides in Jalmeray and is a rakshasa with fine tastes. In order to find out more information about her, Safa and Rashmivati are sending a small crew of Pathfinders to attend a local auction in order to do some reconnaissance. However, while attending the formal event, the Pathfinders can't help but notice that it looks like one of the guests might have some sticky fingers!

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Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

2:00pm EDT

PFS2 Intro: Year of Unfettered Exploration
Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
It's time to explore! With the Society coming off of their recent victory in finally defeating an old enemy, they choose to turn to refocus on the goals of the Pathfinder Society: Explore! Report! Cooperate! As a celebration for such a successful year, there's a party being hosted with all sorts of friends both new and old in attendance. However, when one of Fola Barun's dear friends needs to be entertained in order to prepare a surprise, it's up to the Pathfinders to show him around the famous Maze of the Open Road. When he starts to encourage exploration, new doors appear and new adventures await!

Intro: Year of Unfettered Exploration is the introduction to the plot of the Year of Unfettered Exploration. This scenario presents characters and themes that will feature in Year 5's metaplot, and so it is is a natural starting point for players looking to jump into the action.

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Friday November 1, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

4:00pm EDT

PFS2 Quest (Series 2) #15: In the Footsteps of Horror
Friday November 1, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
A group of powerful Pathfinders had to abandon the exploration of an underground complex after defeating a powerful lich and stopping a devatating ritual by the skin of their teeth. The PCs are tasked with exploring this complex now cleared of threats and cataloguing what's there. The ritual, though, while incomplete, has still linked the site to its conterpart in the Netherworld, and once they enter the PCs find that their task will not be as simple or boring as promised, as they have to fight through the shadowy mirror of the Netherworld complex just to get back home, with unknown threats that most assuredly were not cleared out.

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Friday November 1, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

4:00pm EDT

SF2 Playtest Scenario #2: It Came from the Vast!
Friday November 1, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Countless derelict and abandoned starships litter space—some damaged beyond repair, some containing valuable cargo, and others empty save for the dead. The Xenowarden starship Bloom is one such ship. During a routine survey mission to a newly discovered dwarf planet in the Vast, the crew of the Bloom collected a variety of biological and environmental samples, secured the samples for further study, and departed, plotting a course through the Drift to a mobile research laboratory in the Pact Worlds.

The Bloom that emerged in Pact Worlds’ space was much changed—unresponsive, careening out of control, and with no sign of the ship’s crew. Explore the biomechanical corridors of the Bloom to uncover the fate of its missing crew and face off against a dangerous, alien predator that can’t be allowed to survive.

The Bloom is haunted. That’s the least of your problems.

Welcome to the Starfinder Playtest! You can directly shape the future of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game by participating in a fun and rigorous playtest period using the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook and one of several playtest adventures—including Starfinder Playtest Scenarios! Each Starfinder Playtest Scenario is a short, single-session adventure designed to be played in 2–3 hours and written by a member of the Starfinder Team.

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Friday November 1, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

8:00pm EDT

PFS2 Quest (Series 2) #16: The Winter Queen's Dollhouse
Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
The ruler of Irrisen, Queen Anastasia found a number of strange dollhouses when going through her aunt's vaults. She sent one to the Pathfinders for study. When Aslynn's magic was unleashed in the vaults of Skyreach, the dollhouse's magic was reactivated. In reality, these dollhouses were prisons which would shrink down those who angered Elvanna, the former queen. Now the magic is poised to ensnare the PCs. What's more, the animate doll servants have awakened as poppets, and while some are happy to help, others are not so welcoming.

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Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

8:00pm EDT

Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
Caravans are having a difficult time getting through to Parnast via the Black Road. Organized attacks by orcs and other monstrous humanoids working in concert with one another have folks baffled. Little do they know that an unusually intelligent hill giant, going by the name of Bad Fruul is to blame. SEER has sent her emissary HSING, to task your group to accompany a caravan with a very special cargo destined for the Shrine of Axes in Parnast, and to figure out who is responsible.

A 2-Hour Storm King's Thunder Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3.

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Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

8:00pm EDT

FR-DC-DOBU-02-01 Hoard of the Death Dragon
Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
A young knight journeys off to achieve glory and renown, and to bring a dragon’s hoard home for his family and his town. Now his family is sending adventurers to bring the knight home.

A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8.

CONTENT WARNING: character restraint, character death, smothering, suffocation, paranoia

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Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

8:00pm EDT

FR-DC-ONI-01 Oni of the Thousand Gates
Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
A Lord of Kozakura requests aid in dealing with a demon that has sworn vengeance upon his house. But there may be more to this tale than just an angry fiend.

A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8.

CONTENT WARNINGS: Fire, betrayal, gaslighting (mentioned)

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Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

8:00pm EDT

Giants of the Star Forge
Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
In Giants of the Star Forge, the party is tasked with a daring rescue of a famed smith. The 16th-level adventure is inspired by resources provided in Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants!

A Three- to Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 3 Characters. Optimized for APL 16.

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Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

8:00pm EDT

PFS2 5-04: Equal Exchanges – Necessary Introductions
Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
Since the defeat of Aslynn, the Waterfall has become more of a staple around the Grand Lodge, starting to hold strange, isolated meetings with leadership and seemingly putting together some plan. Her most recent request is that a team of Pathfinder agents journey to Hwanggot and meet with the underworld dragon, Valashinaz as a introductory team. Venture-Captain Yi Da Som arranged the meeting through Valashinaz's kobold assistant, Purepurin. Unfortunately, between then and the PCs arriving, Purepurin forgot about them in the midst of pickling recipes from goblins and creepy crawlies invading the vaults! It's up to the PCs to help Purepurin bring Valashinaz's vaults under control while she summons the dragon to ensure these introductions go off without a hitch!

This adventure is the first part of the four-part Equal Exchanges metaplot arc in the Year of Unfettered Exploration. This arc will be continued in PFS2 #5-09 (for levels 5-8), PFS2 #5-11 (for levels 7-10), and PFS2 #5-18 (for levels 9-12).

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Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

8:00pm EDT

PFS2 5-14: Poisonous Council
Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
The Pathfinder Society is running low on a critical alchemical catalyst, and all their usual suppliers have run dry. The Supplies and Procurement Division is desperate, and has put a call out directly to agents. They know of one alchemist skilled and knowledgeable enough to make the catalyst– Tragshi the Herbalist, master of the Daggermark Poisoner's Guild. The Society has used what contacts they have remaining in Daggermark to arrange a meeting, but the chief poisoner isn't one to give things away for free. The PCs will need to do several errands for her, proving the Society's worth to the guild and to Tragshi herself.

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Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

8:00pm EDT

PFS2 5-20: The Rakshasa's Court
Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
With clues from around Jalmeray and Niswan, Venture-Captain Safa has been able to determine where the mysterious Benefactor lives in the city. It's up a group of Pathfinders to break into the enormous mansion to confront her, while ducking the underlings and trying to find evidence of her wrongdoings. A secret plot to undermine the powers that be in Niswan is discovered and there's only one place left to corner her: her private quarters.

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Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

8:00pm EDT

SF2 Playtest Adventure: A Cosmic Birthday
Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
A nascent cosmic entity stirs deep within one of the Pact Worlds planets. To aid the god’s birth, its most devoted followers search the Ghost Levels of Absalom Station for a sufficient power source—a strange pocket dimension existing alongside the hub of the Pact Worlds. As the entity’s emergence sends ripples across space time, a group of heroes becomes trapped in the Ghost Levels! With dangerous creatures and ominous power surges threatening the station, the heroes must team up with the residents of Little Akiton to investigate these horrifying new foes, stop their meddling—and stay alive!

A Cosmic Birthday is a complete Starfinder Second Edition Playtest adventure for 1st-level characters written by Jenny Jarzabski, and features fan-favorite Starfinder creatures updated to Second Edition, all-new cosmic horrors, and a mix of classic dungeon crawling and narrative-rich sandbox adventures. This adventure is designed to introduce the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest rules, giving players like you a chance to shape the new edition through feedback surveys about your playtest experience! It also takes place during a pivotal moment in Starfinder history—even if you miss the playtest window, you won’t want to miss the adventure!

This is a 64-page adventure.

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Friday November 1, 2024 8:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 1:00am EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

10:00pm EDT

PFS2 Quest (Series 2) #17: Escorting a Mirage
Friday November 1, 2024 10:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 12:00am EDT
A down-on-his luck Aspis Agent, relegated to Thuvia where Aspis operations have all but ceased, has found an unexpected opportunity for revenge. Zarta Dralneen is making a purchase in Merab, and what her purpose could be is the talk of the town. The vengeful Aspis twists these rumors towards talk of the sun orchid elixir, and while no one of any competence or understanding would ever fall for such a flimsy rumor, Merab has more than its share of desperate fools. As the PCs transport Zarta's mundane purchases back to port, these desperate fools strike, making a simple escort into a fight for survival.

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Friday November 1, 2024 10:00pm - Saturday November 2, 2024 12:00am EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207
Saturday, November 2

9:00am EDT

PFS2 Quest (Series 2) #18: Student Exchange
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am EDT
The PCs have been placed in a sort of exchange program, wherein the Magaambya, the oldest school of magic still operating in Golarion, will judge their worth as a foundation for future cooperation. Teacher Ot has been tasked with both showing the PCs' the ways of the magical school as well as taking their measure. The future of this partnership lies in the PCs' hands.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

9:00am EDT

CCC-ODFC01-01 Hammer and Anvil
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
Once an ennead, the Earthspur Mines are home to a competition between many dwarves.  Each clan sends its best and brightest crafter to compete in a test of endurance and skill.  While a time of celebrating and companionship between clans, it is also a time of treachery and deceit, as each tries to sabotage the others.  Unfortunately for Riswynn Rumnaheim, her clan has nearly died out, and is unable to watch her back, nor can she trust her closest friends at this fraught time.  So she has placed a call for adventurers, and you have answered.

A 4-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters (optimized for APL 3)

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Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

9:00am EDT

CCC-SFBAY-02-02 Rise of the Ogre King
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
You have been hired by the Brotherhood of the Cloaks to journey into the heart of desolate Thar. Once there you are to negotiate with the oni lord of Fangjaws Hold for the rites to excavate an ancient minotaur lord’s tomb within his territory. Part 2 of Agents of the Cloaks.

A 4-hour adventure for Tier 2 characters. Optimized for APL 8.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

9:00am EDT

DDEX1-1 Defiance in Phlan
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
The Cult of the Dragon has come to Phlan, a lawless refuge on the Moonsea. Now, with no significant authority to stop the cult, other power groups in the Realms – the Harpers, Order of the Gauntlet, Emerald Enclave, Lords’ Alliance, and even the Zhentarim – must unite to stop the cult from fulfilling its dark purpose in the city. Join the fight by participating in any one of five different missions aimed at stopping the cult.

Five 1-Hour Tyranny of Dragons Adventures for 1st-2nd Level Characters. Optimized for APL 1.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

9:00am EDT

Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
Three famous weapons: Wave, the Trident of the Sea Lords; Whelm, the Foehammer of the Dwarfs; and dread Blackrazor, Stealer of Souls, have gone missing from well-protected collections of powerful and influential collectors and the same cryptic note has been left in their place each time.  You have been gathered by the request of your faction, the lure of rich rewards, or your own personal interest in these weapons of legend, and tasked with their recovery.  Your quest takes you into the wilderness, under the shadow of the ever-roiling fumes of White Plume Mountain.  Can you survive the perils you will find there and retrieve Wave, Whelm, and Blackrazor?

An Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

9:00am EDT

PFS2 4-16: Dacilane Academy's First Great Prank War
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
Exam time has always been stressful for the students of the Dacilane Academy, so J Dacilane has come up with a plan: have a group of Pathfinders help them pull off the first ever Dacilane Academy Great Prank War! Surely nothing can go wrong! However, once a caravan of fey traveling nearby catch a whiff of the chaos, they're more than willing to come and join the prank war—with or without an invitation! It's up to the Pathfinders to calm down the friendly fey, defeat the evil fey that infiltrated the caravan, and ensure that the students have the best prank war ever! Should be easy as pie! (Quick, duck that pie!)

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Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

9:00am EDT

PFS2 5-09: Equal Exchanges – Skymetal Hoard
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
As part of the secret agreement between the underworld dragon Valashinaz and the Waterfall, a group of Pathfinders is sent to a small island off of Minata to gather a collection of skymetals from an abandoned temple to Valashinaz. As the temple was abandoned ages ago, the island should be uninhabited, however the Pathfinders quickly discover this isn't so and someone has made their home on the island. The Pathfinders will need to dodge these new inhabitants while collecting the treasure, all while also making sure to avoid Valashinaz's beloved pet squishies. Those akatas have one rough bite...

This adventure is the second part of the four-part Equal Exchanges metaplot arc in the Year of Unfettered Exploration. This arc began in PFS2 #5-04: Equal Exchanges – Necessary Introductions and will be continued in PFS2 #5-11 (for levels 7-10) and PFS2 5-18 (for levels 9-12).

Sign up to participate on Warhorn

Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

9:00am EDT

PFS2 5-12: Mischief in the Maze
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
The Maze of the Open Road has mostly been stabilized, and yet agents are still ending up at the wrong destination. While no one has been hurt, Venture-Captain Sigvard Tornkvist fears that it might be a matter of time until injury or worse results. She tasks the PCs with investigating the cause of these mishaps, and dealing with it if possible. Little do the PCs know what they've gotten themselves into, but there's a nonzero chance they'll find themselves in a dance-off before their mission is complete.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

9:00am EDT

SF2 Playtest Adventure: A Cosmic Birthday
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
A nascent cosmic entity stirs deep within one of the Pact Worlds planets. To aid the god’s birth, its most devoted followers search the Ghost Levels of Absalom Station for a sufficient power source—a strange pocket dimension existing alongside the hub of the Pact Worlds. As the entity’s emergence sends ripples across space time, a group of heroes becomes trapped in the Ghost Levels! With dangerous creatures and ominous power surges threatening the station, the heroes must team up with the residents of Little Akiton to investigate these horrifying new foes, stop their meddling—and stay alive!

A Cosmic Birthday is a complete Starfinder Second Edition Playtest adventure for 1st-level characters written by Jenny Jarzabski, and features fan-favorite Starfinder creatures updated to Second Edition, all-new cosmic horrors, and a mix of classic dungeon crawling and narrative-rich sandbox adventures. This adventure is designed to introduce the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest rules, giving players like you a chance to shape the new edition through feedback surveys about your playtest experience! It also takes place during a pivotal moment in Starfinder history—even if you miss the playtest window, you won’t want to miss the adventure!

This is a 64-page adventure.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

11:00am EDT

PFS2 Quest (Series 2) #19: The Elsewhere Feast
Saturday November 2, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EDT
The enigmatic being known simply as the Thane, one of the more powerful denizens of the First World, on rare occasions grows weary of solitude and holds a grand party. Invitations are scattered throughout the planes, and simply interacting with one in any manner will suddenly see a “guest” whisked away to the feast. Further, the Thane warps time in their realm, making each day last a decade. The celebration continues for a week of these decades. Mortals taken find themselves seventy years older with only a week having passed outside, if they even survive decades of partying.

Recently, the Thane has again become bored and sent out invitations. Some citizens of Jol unfortunate enough to have stumbled upon these were whisked away. It’s up to the PCs to free them—and likely the PCs themselves— before even more years pass in the twisted time of the Thane's realm.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

2:00pm EDT

DDAL05-03 Uninvited Guests THIS IS A TEENS TABLE
Saturday November 2, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
The Shrine of the Axes has been restored and Raggnar Redtooth, who previously conspired with dragon cultists, is trying to restore his reputation in Parnast by sponsoring a feast. There is just one thing he needs, meat for his feast. Game is supposed to be plentiful in the Weathercote Wood, but the townsfolk are all busy with their own work, and the minions of Bad Fruul are still out there causing trouble. What can go wrong on a simple hunt?

A 2-Hour Storm King's Thunder Adventure for Tier 1 Characters.  Optimized for APL 3.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

2:00pm EDT

DDAL05-17 Hartkiller’s Horn
Saturday November 2, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
Claiming to possess Hartkiller’s Horn, Ryndolg makes his move to take control of the Hartvale. The non-giant residents have been pressed to declare their allegiance or be destroyed. Do they swear fealty to Jarl Ryndolg, or is there another option? Is there another contender to the throne? Sometimes the best choices can be the most dangerous.

A 4-Hour Storm King's Thunder Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

2:00pm EDT

DDAL08-07 Into the Dark
Saturday November 2, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
When one of the Lords of Waterdeep asks you to root out a threat to the city, you respond to the call. Prepare for a foray into Undermountain.
Part One of the Vampire Hunt trilogy.

A 2-4 Hour Dungeon of the Mad Mage Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 5.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

2:00pm EDT

DDHC-TYP Ch.4 White Plume Mountain THIS IS PART 2
Saturday November 2, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
Three famous weapons: Wave, the Trident of the Sea Lords; Whelm, the Foehammer of the Dwarfs; and dread Blackrazor, Stealer of Souls, have gone missing from well-protected collections of powerful and influential collectors and the same cryptic note has been left in their place each time.  You have been gathered by the request of your faction, the lure of rich rewards, or your own personal interest in these weapons of legend, and tasked with their recovery.  Your quest takes you into the wilderness, under the shadow of the ever-roiling fumes of White Plume Mountain.  Can you survive the perils you will find there and retrieve Wave, Whelm, and Blackrazor?

An Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

2:00pm EDT

PFS2 2-00: The King in Thorns
Saturday November 2, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
In the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, a large group of Pathfinders stands ready to travel beyond a magical gateway whose mysteries stymied a group of the Pathfinder Society's founders. What lies beyond the doorway is also the crux of the plot of an ancient evil fey, the Thorned Monarch. Will the Pathfinders unlock lost fey magic, restore buried secrets from the Society's history, and purge the world of the Monarch's evil, or will they fall before the fey's minions and tricks?
Released August 2020.

Maps used: Pathfinder Map Pack: Fungus Forest; Pathfinder Flip Mat: Ambush Sites Multipack; Pathfinder Flip Mat Classics: Deep Forests; Starfinder Flip-Mat: Jungle World

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Saturday November 2, 2024 2:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

8:00pm EDT

PFS2 Quest (Series 2) #20: The Dacilane Academy's Show Must Go On
Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
The Dacilane Academy often calls upon the Pathfinder Society to get them out of trouble, or to aid their students. Considering that many Pathfinders enroll their children in the academy, the relationship is one of mutual benefit. It’s therefore no surprise when the academy calls upon the Pathfinders to help make sure nothing terrible happens during the play that the students will be performing at a nearby theater, the Muse of the Rose. Recently, performances there have seen unfortunate accidents. No one has been seriously injured, but the performances were all ultimately ruined. It's up to the PCs to ensure that the Dacilane Academy's performance doesn't suffer the same fate, even if the have to prevent disasters backstage during the show itself.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

8:00pm EDT

SF2 Playtest Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet
Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
For millennia, Birnam’s Bubble has been a planet untouched by outsiders, fully encapsulated in an impenetrable shield of unknown energy and protected by powerful automated defenses. Through this barrier, explorers and surveyors have glimpsed pristine settlements, verdant flora, and inexplicable magical emanations—yet no fauna or citizens populate the world’s surface.

As in many other parts of the galaxy, the Drift Crisis changed everything. Now, the energy barrier surrounding Birnam’s Bubble cracks like shattering glass, and shards of this solidified energy have begun to fall through the atmosphere to the planet’s surface, causing significant destruction. Enter the breach and uncover the secrets of the lost civilizations of Birnam’s Bubble before they're lost forever!

Welcome to the Starfinder Playtest! You can directly shape the future of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game by participating in a fun and rigorous playtest period using the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook and one of several playtest adventures—including Starfinder Playtest Scenarios! Each Starfinder Playtest Scenario is a short, single-session adventure designed to be played in 2–3 hours and written by a member of the Starfinder Team.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

8:00pm EDT

BMG-DRWEP-OD-02 The Burning of Aglarond (Tier 2)
Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
The gaze of Thay falls on Aglarond and you are called upon to interfere. But this may lead you into the Yuirwood, one of the few places that hasn’t fully shaken the influence of the Spellplague. Expect the unexpected.
Part Eight of the Obscure Devotions series of adventures.

A Four-Hour Epic Adventure for Tier 2 Characters.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

8:00pm EDT

BMG-DRWEP-OD-02 The Burning of Aglarond (Tier 2)
Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
The gaze of Thay falls on Aglarond and you are called upon to interfere. But this may lead you into the Yuirwood, one of the few places that hasn’t fully shaken the influence of the Spellplague. Expect the unexpected.
Part Eight of the Obscure Devotions series of adventures.

A Four-Hour Epic Adventure for Tier 2 Characters.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

8:00pm EDT

BMG-DRWEP-OD-02 The Burning of Aglarond (Tier 3)
Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
The gaze of Thay falls on Aglarond and you are called upon to interfere. But this may lead you into the Yuirwood, one of the few places that hasn’t fully shaken the influence of the Spellplague. Expect the unexpected.
Part Eight of the Obscure Devotions series of adventures.

A Four-Hour Epic Adventure for Tier 3 Characters.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

8:00pm EDT

BMG-DRWEP-OD-02 The Burning of Aglarond (Tier 3)
Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
The gaze of Thay falls on Aglarond and you are called upon to interfere. But this may lead you into the Yuirwood, one of the few places that hasn’t fully shaken the influence of the Spellplague. Expect the unexpected.
Part Eight of the Obscure Devotions series of adventures.

A Four-Hour Epic Adventure for Tier 3 Characters.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

8:00pm EDT

PFS2 5-11: Equal Exchanges – The Hidden Current
Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
A mysterious abandoned laboratory is discovered in the Arcadian Ocean, with clear signs of occult experimentation having occurred at some point. The Waterfall, strangely fascinated by this new find, sends a group of Pathfinders to investigate and gather whatever research they can find inside, while also ensuring the building poses no further threats. Deep inside, a soul and forgotten memories wait, hungry to be found and revealed to the light. The research and artifacts inside seem like they'll lead to answers about the enigmatic Waterfall, though this information may turn out to be unwanted.

This adventure is the third part of the four-part Equal Exchanges metaplot arc in the Year of Unfettered Exploration. This arc began in PFS2 #5-04: Equal Exchanges – Necessary Introductions and PFS2 #5-09: Equal Exchanges – Skymetal Hoard and will be concluded in PFS2 5-18 (for levels 9-12).

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Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

8:00pm EDT

PFS2 5-16: A Lie Told to Strangers
Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
Poorer citizens of Kaer Maga, the City of Strangers, have been going missing, and while many think they've simply left to emigrate to New Thassilon, a purported haven for outcasts, an independent journalist feels that there's something unsavory going on. Kaer Maga doesn't have much in the way of authorities, and those who hold any power aren't taking her seriously, so she's turned to the Pathfinder Society. The PCs need to figure out what's going on, and if it is unsavory, perhaps put a stop to it.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

8:00pm EDT

PFS2 6-01: Intro: Year of Immortal Influence
Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
A new year comes for the Pathfinder Society, and what better way to start it off than by attending a fancy event? The Pathfinders find themselves invited to a charity dinner to benefit the Knights of Lastwall fighting in far-off lands against the lich king, Tar-Baphon. They're not the only important Absalom-based faction there however, as the event is filled with lords and ladies and socialites of all kinds, including the Peacebuilders, a group dedicated to ensuring the Pathfinder Society pays for any of its mistakes. In the middle of dinner, evidence of a strange ritual is found and the Pathfinders must investigate before dinner becomes a murder mystery!

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Saturday November 2, 2024 8:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 1:00am EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

10:00pm EDT

PFS2 Quest (Series 2) #21: Infernal Infiltration
Saturday November 2, 2024 10:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 12:00am EDT
Some disgruntled citizens in Kintargo, who preferred things under Chelaxian rule, have stolen into some very sensitive information concerning the Pathfinder Society's trade dealings and routes. In the hands of enemies, this could put many agents at risk. Cheliax barely tolerates the Society on a good day, and if these thieves-who-would-be-spies can get the encrypted information into the hands of real Chelaxian intelligence operatives, Cheliax would likely relish its ability to do incalcuable harm. It's up to the PCs to infiltrate the theives' base of operations and steal the info back before these rabble rousers can send it off. Keeping things quiet will be key, though, as the heads of Supplies and Procurement definitely don't want to tip them off to what they really have.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 10:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 12:00am EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

10:00pm EDT

SF2 Playtest Scenario #2: It Came from the Vast!
Saturday November 2, 2024 10:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 12:00am EDT
Countless derelict and abandoned starships litter space—some damaged beyond repair, some containing valuable cargo, and others empty save for the dead. The Xenowarden starship Bloom is one such ship. During a routine survey mission to a newly discovered dwarf planet in the Vast, the crew of the Bloom collected a variety of biological and environmental samples, secured the samples for further study, and departed, plotting a course through the Drift to a mobile research laboratory in the Pact Worlds.

The Bloom that emerged in Pact Worlds’ space was much changed—unresponsive, careening out of control, and with no sign of the ship’s crew. Explore the biomechanical corridors of the Bloom to uncover the fate of its missing crew and face off against a dangerous, alien predator that can’t be allowed to survive.

The Bloom is haunted. That’s the least of your problems.
Welcome to the Starfinder Playtest! You can directly shape the future of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game by participating in a fun and rigorous playtest period using the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook and one of several playtest adventures—including Starfinder Playtest Scenarios! Each Starfinder Playtest Scenario is a short, single-session adventure designed to be played in 2–3 hours and written by a member of the Starfinder Team.

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Saturday November 2, 2024 10:00pm - Sunday November 3, 2024 12:00am EDT
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207
Sunday, November 3

8:00am EST

PFS2 5-18: Equal Exchanges – Tapestry of the Mind
Sunday November 3, 2024 8:00am - 1:00pm EST
Her identity finally revealed to the Pathfinders, the Waterfall makes a final request: have a group of senior agents travel into the mindscape attached to her and extract whatever it is that ties her to entities unknown. With any hope, this will give her the privacy and security she so desires and deserves after her life. Within her mindscape, strange aberrations lurk, and even stranger are their motivations and how they plan on keeping the Pathfinders away from the center of her cerebral maze.

This adventure is the final part of the four-part Equal Exchanges metaplot arc in the Year of Unfettered Exploration. This arc began in PFS2 #5-04: Equal Exchanges – Necessary Introductions and continued in PFS2 #5-09: Equal Exchanges – Skymetal Hoardand PFS2 #5-11: Equal Exchanges – The Hidden Current.

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Sunday November 3, 2024 8:00am - 1:00pm EST
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

8:00am EST

PFS2 5-19: Demonic Afterparty
Sunday November 3, 2024 8:00am - 1:00pm EST
A demonic cult recently performed a ritual to great success, part of its leader's grander schemes. Her work near Nerosyan complete for now, she left a token force to guard the site, no longer needing it, and prepared to travel elsewhere for grander plans. This activity, though, has been noticed. The ritual site was supposed to be completely abandoned, but a group of traveling merchants noticed the strange activity. This was reported to the Nerosyan leadership, who in turn have pressured Venture-Captain Jorsal of Lauterbury to get involved. Jorsal has decided to send the PCs, to investigate the site itself, assuming that a place so near the city likely isn’t much of a threat.

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Sunday November 3, 2024 8:00am - 1:00pm EST
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

8:00am EST

PFS2 6-02: Rain Falls on the Mountain of Sea and Sky
Sunday November 3, 2024 8:00am - 1:00pm EST
Many newer agents are often sent to the Three Gates Lodge to make sure that the wildlife on the island isn’t out of control, and that the various allies that the Society made when claiming the lodge are rewarded for their continued aid. The tasks are routine, as the greatest threats were dealt with when initially setting up the lodge, and Venture-Captain Kukuha Mukai performed a ritual utilizing the ley-lines. This ritual is a form of powerful defensive magic and almost guarantees safety from all but the direst threats.

The PCs are the latest agents dispatched for this duty. Unfortunately for them, shortly after they arrive, so too does the direst of threats: a god dies, and a strange rain falls over the island, just as the PCs are being briefed. Now they have to deal with the literal fallout, as no one else is near, and no help can come for some time.

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Sunday November 3, 2024 8:00am - 1:00pm EST
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

8:00am EST

SF2 Playtest Adventure: A Cosmic Birthday
Sunday November 3, 2024 8:00am - 1:00pm EST
Absalom Station for a sufficient power source—a strange pocket dimension existing alongside the hub of the Pact Worlds. As the entity’s emergence sends ripples across space time, a group of heroes becomes trapped in the Ghost Levels! With dangerous creatures and ominous power surges threatening the station, the heroes must team up with the residents of Little Akiton to investigate these horrifying new foes, stop their meddling—and stay alive!

A Cosmic Birthday is a complete Starfinder Second Edition Playtest adventure for 1st-level characters written by Jenny Jarzabski, and features fan-favorite Starfinder creatures updated to Second Edition, all-new cosmic horrors, and a mix of classic dungeon crawling and narrative-rich sandbox adventures. This adventure is designed to introduce the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest rules, giving players like you a chance to shape the new edition through feedback surveys about your playtest experience! It also takes place during a pivotal moment in Starfinder history—even if you miss the playtest window, you won’t want to miss the adventure!

This is a 64-page adventure.

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Sunday November 3, 2024 8:00am - 1:00pm EST
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

9:00am EST

PFS2 Quest (Series 2) #15: In the Footsteps of Horror
Sunday November 3, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am EST
A group of powerful Pathfinders had to abandon the exploration of an underground complex after defeating a powerful lich and stopping a devatating ritual by the skin of their teeth. The PCs are tasked with exploring this complex now cleared of threats and cataloguing what's there. The ritual, though, while incomplete, has still linked the site to its conterpart in the Netherworld, and once they enter the PCs find that their task will not be as simple or boring as promised, as they have to fight through the shadowy mirror of the Netherworld complex just to get back home, with unknown threats that most assuredly were not cleared out.

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Sunday November 3, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am EST
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207

9:00am EST

CCC-SFBAY-02-03 The Risen Minotaur Lord
Sunday November 3, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EST
An excavation team was sent excavate the tomb of a long-ago minotaur lord in Thar.  They were under the protection of the Tharkul of Fangjaws Hold; however, something has gone wrong, and an undead army poured out of the excavation site and laid siege to Fangjaws Hold.  You have been hired by the Brotherhood of the Cloaks to help deal with the undead threat.  Part 3 of Agents of the Cloaks.

A 4-hour adventure for Tier 2 characters. Optimized for APL 8.

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Sunday November 3, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EST
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

9:00am EST

DDEX1-1 Defiance in Phlan
Sunday November 3, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EST
The Cult of the Dragon has come to Phlan, a lawless refuge on the Moonsea. Now, with no significant authority to stop the cult, other power groups in the Realms – the Harpers, Order of the Gauntlet, Emerald Enclave, Lords’ Alliance, and even the Zhentarim – must unite to stop the cult from fulfilling its dark purpose in the city. Join the fight by participating in any one of five different missions aimed at stopping the cult.

Five 1-Hour Tyranny of Dragons Adventures for 1st-2nd Level Characters. Optimized for APL 1.

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Sunday November 3, 2024 9:00am - 2:00pm EST
D&D RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 208

11:00am EST

PFS2 Quest (Series 2) #14: The Swordlord’s Challenge
Sunday November 3, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EST
An Aldori swordlord who fought alongside Pathfinders years ago is looking for a way to push her students harder. She issues a challenge to Marcos Farabellus, the Master of Swords, boasting that her most promising young pupils can defeat any Marcos has trained. She stakes her pride as a teacher and a powerful weapon she used during the Fifth Crusade on the outcome. Marcos both believes such a relic, taken to the very heart of the Worldwound, would be an excellent addition to the Society's vaults and that the PCs are the perfect students on which to stake his own pride. The PCs must do their utmost to justify the faith he has placed in them and win a great victory-- and perhaps a new ally-- for the Pathfinder Society.

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Sunday November 3, 2024 11:00am - 1:00pm EST
Pathfinder/Starfinder RPGs HRCC 2nd Floor, Room 207
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